Remove Bad Luck and Break a Curse



Additional Tips:
This spell is most effective when performed during a waning moon, a time ideal for banishing and release. Repeat as needed whenever you feel the need to cleanse your energy or start fresh.

This cleansing spell uses symbolic ingredients and actions that harness natural properties to release negativity and restore a sense of peace and renewal. Each element serves a purpose, helping ground the spell in tangible, familiar actions that mimic the intended effect of magic through a sensory and physical experience.

Ingredients and Their Meanings

Instructions and Symbolic Actions

How Actions Represent Cleansing and Releasing Negativity

This spell takes ordinary items—salt, lemon, mint, milk, and cloth—and combines them in a way that mirrors natural cycles of renewal and decay. The act of mixing and applying the ingredients mimics a purification process, engaging the senses to create a physical experience of release. The mundane becomes magic as these actions allow you to visualize the negativity leaving your body and mind, and the burial signifies a final, conclusive release.

By burying the cloth, you are symbolically—and literally—leaving behind that which no longer serves you, helping you let go mentally and emotionally. This practical yet symbolic act of release creates a lasting impression, reinforcing the mindset that cleansing, like nature, happens in cycles of release and renewal.